Tuesday 28 September 2010


Continuity is where something has the state or quality of being continous.

My definition of continuity in media is that everything that is involved in media from blogging all the way through to filming is of a continous and repetitve sequence.

Crossing the line is a very important concept in video and film production. It refers to an imaginary line which cuts through the middle of the scene, from side to side with respect to the camera. Crossing the line changes the viewer's perspective in such as way that it causes disorientation and confusion. For this reason, crossing the line is something to be avoided.
Please look at the link given for a further in depth definition of the 180 degree rule in media - 180 Degree Rule.

Shot-Reverse-Shot is a staple of editing in dialogue sequences. It utilizes the 180 degree rule, the eye line match, and rule of change among others. First things first, a definition of what shot/reverse shot is: Shot-Reverse-Shot

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