Wednesday 22 September 2010

Storyboard Drawing, Shot Sizes and Framing.

Extreme Close Up
Close Up



Medium Close Up
 In this post i have attched my own storyboard, with 7 differant camera angles which will be used in my production. I have also attached 7 differant photos that i have taken in whihc represent the differant camera angles i have drawn in my storyboard. Throughout my storyboard there are a variety of differnat shots from an extreme close-up to a long shot. 

Medium Shot

3/4 Shot




Long Shot

My Storyboard displaying different camera angles.

Medium Long Shot

My storyboard showing the straight shot in the top picture
and the reverse shot in the bottom one.

1st Shot
Reverse Shot

The rule of thirds

 This link explains the rule of thirds in brief detail ; Rule Of Thirds.
This is a perfect picture displaying the 'rule of thirds'
technique, as you are able to see the eye of the bee is
the centre of attention. This is a beautiful picture with
the bright colours from the bee and the plant being
emphasised well.

This picture shows that the rule of thirds is not always
necessary in order to take a good photograph. As you can
see, the plant is centered covering the entire photo space,
this brings out the center of the plant and its bright colours.

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