Tuesday 23 November 2010

Production Report

As a pre-liminary task, the shoot as whole went very well, apart from the amateur acting the filming was a success the second time around. There were a few problems that the group encountered throughout the filming process, the main one was that the first time we filmed we did not shoot from correct angles, we was not able to create a shot reverse shot because of the narrow width of the room. This meant we would have to re-film the sequence to ensure the shot reverse shot has been used. The second problem was the smallness of the room, as the room was so small it was tough to get the camera angles in which we was looking to shoot with. Although, we were able to manoveur as a group and succeeded in the filming, capturing a good amount of strong footage. The second problem was that we had several continuity errors in which made the editing really tough, we were able to over-come this by re shooting parts in order to make the final production improved. As a team i feel that we worked very well, we looked at angles to film from as a group and if one of us was nto happy with a shot then we would re-shoot.

The footage that we have shoot as a group was of a good quality, there were some parts which looked strange but with small editiing this was over comed. The main area in which we could improve in is the efficiency of our shooting angles, we had many problems becuase of the light being provided from the room, from one side of the room it was dark whereas when we filmed towards the door the light was bright. This can be over comed by small editing of the light in the filming. We abided by the rules of continuity well with only the smallness of the room giving us our main minor problem.

Overall the filming went well, As a group we were able to move props around in order to create the space we needed to create the shot reverse shot that we did not have in the 1st time of shooting. After learning from our mistakes we knew what was needed, after shooting a 2nd time round the footage we shoot was very good.

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