Wednesday 26 January 2011

Research Into Opening Sequence Design

Kyle Cooper Interview Part 1
Kyle Cooper Interview Part 2

From watching this interview with Kyle Cooper i have learnt that a great title sequence sets the adaptation for the rest of the film, it makes the audience engaged to the screen and endears them to want to watch the rest of the film with great concentration. The hand written font in se73n is used to create effect for the rest of the film, the specific font is used to create a clever pun for the audience as it links to what happens in the film, the hand written titles are linked to the way that the main character in the film keeps a journal in which is a huge symbol in the film. From this I have learnt that it is essential to link the opening sequence to what happens in the actual film, I have also learnt that trying new ideas on camera is always good because if it does not work then you can re-shoot by Cooper believes that if trying new things usually creates the best shoot. The way that Kyle Cooper tries new ideas such as glass in front of the camera to create an effect has given my group a few ideas in which we could try to use in our opening sequence. Another thing from what I have learnt from this is that you can mix digital production with film production to create the best effects.
The simple typography can be seen as the most effective, an example of this is the dead zone, the dark music in it makes it very mysterious, Cooper says that his three most favourite which are graphic design, film and typography can come together to create the best ever opening sequence. Some of his favourite opening sequences encapsulate the main characters obsessions; this is done in ‘to kill a mockingbird’. From this I have learnt that the main characters feelings and possessions should be shown in the opening sequence to make it as effective as possible. Another thing in which i have learnt from this i that if there is a clip that can’t be used because the audience do not understand it then it can be used as short clips elsewhere in the film, this is to save the wasted budget of the producers of the film. I also learnt from this that the audience prefer the dark deathly ending compared to the happy ending for a horror genre film, this has emphasized our opinion to create a dark opening sequence to kick start the horror genre film.

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