Friday, 15 October 2010

Script Writing

 The reason for our group choosing to do a scene in a cell is because we feel that it is the most effective choice and we are able to present the camera shots in the best possible way. We will be using a small room to act as a cell, this will create a deep echo in our production making it more realisitic.

When LIAM pushes JACKs hand away we will need to shoot from the same angle so that no cut is involved, this will make the shot look more realistic and hopefully engage the audience more so than before.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Shot List and Storyboard

Plot of your Prelim script:

Our script is based in a cell with the patient inside and the doctor entering to give him his medicine. The setting of the small room is one table and a door with the table acting as a bed for the patient. To show the audience what we want, we will have to act well and know the script. It is important to have a plot for the script as it sets the scene so then all the cast know what they are doing, how to act and how to film.

Shot List:


Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Jump Cuts, Over-the-Shoulder Shots, Cutaways and Point of View Shots.

Jump Cut - A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same
subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. This type of edit causes
the subject of the shots to appear to "jump" position in a discontinuous way.
 Link for further description of a Jump Cut

Over the shoulder shot - This is a shot filmed from behind character's shoulder: 
A cinematographic shot taken from over the shoulder of a character whose back
can be seen at the side of the frame

Cutaway Shot - A brief shot that interrupts the main action of a film, often to
depict related matter or supposedly concurrent action.

Point Of View Shot - A point of view shot, also known as POV shot is a short scene
 in a film that shows what a character is looking at. It is usually established by being
positioned between a shot of a character looking at something, and a shot showing
the character's reaction. In depth look at Point Of View Shot.

The link to this website is very useful given many differant types of shots
and examples - Camera Shots

This picture demonstartes the POV shot.

Camera Movement: