Friday 29 April 2011

Evaluation - Audience Feedback

At the top is our rough cut product, tis is with none of our editing or soun effects.

These are our feedback videos in which were helpful as they old us what they thougt would be good, it is also helpful as they are o target age range givig us evidance of hat they want in a gothic genre product.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Friday 8 April 2011

Production Report

As a group we made the majoprity of our decisions together, the key decisions in which we made when editing the film where;
  • We chose to use fast editing to increase the tempo of the film, it was evident from our research of the 'horror' genre that the clips where short with fast editing in order to create tension for the audience.

  • Another group decision in which we made was to play the titles over a a setting the scene clip, our rotary clip of the forest at the beggining allows us to hit 2 birds with one stone, we are able t acreate the scene in a terryifyinf way and also we are abvle to role the credits. The font we used was decided as a group, the orator 90 font suited our genre best as it was simple but effective.

  • The final group decision in which was crucial to our final product was the music that we used, we found out form our reseacrh that music is what makes the audience most fearful, a high pitched note creates fear as it comes as a shock to the audience. The track 'bump in the night' was perfect for our setting as it was not to dramatic but gave us the high pitched tones in whihc we was looking for.